Martial Arts
The training at Kenpo Martial Arts Center teaches the student techniques and skills on how to defend themselves from either armed or unarmed attackers. It also instills the confidence and discipline to practice these skills making them as effective as possible. Classes are also designed to encourage respect, effort, etiiquette, sincerity, character and above all discipline and self-control. We also compete in tournaments and belong to the World Martial Arts Federation which holds 2 tournaments a year in Boston, MA and we also compete in other local tournaments. The training here is a great way for all ages to get in shape and to also challenge yourself physically and mentally. Each group class is 1 hour long and covers a variety of topics about self-defense. Weapon forms are also taught here and used in competitions. Because we offer so many classes the class size is usually moderate with plenty of instructors to assist on busy days when needed. We also offer free trials for anyone interested, just call and ask.
Private Lessons:
Private lessons are a 1 on 1 lesson with the Master instructor. These are designed to give the student personalized attention and focus on your specific concerns, needs, strengths, weaknesses and tailoring your training to any goals that you are trying to achieve.
Group Lessons:
These lessons are in group format with multiple students. You are sometimes paired off with students of your own caliper and size and sometimes you are not. Every student has certain strengths and weakness that challange other students abilities helping each other to learn and develop their own skills. All students need to be challenged now and then to push progression. What’s good with group lessons is learning that not everything works on everybody, so variety in pairing off with different people helps to discover and overcome that.
This type of training students like because whatever questions or concerns that might develop from their group lessons can be confronted in a private matter during their private lesson. We encourage questions but some students feel uneasy asking questions in a group setting. Students who take advantage of the private/group lessons respond faster to their training.
Kettlebell Training
Kettlebell training is a full body exercise that delivers a very dynamic workout. If you play challenging sports or your’e in a physical conflict or just like a good workout you use your entire body to maximize your performance or defend itself, and that is what Kettlebell training promotes by increased strength without the bulky muscle mass, speed in movement, improved flexibility with mobility and range of motion, increased stamina while strengthening the cardiovascular system. Working aerobic and anaerobics for a complete well rounded workout. It’s also great for improving other sports performance.
The history of Kettlebells comes from a traditional Russian training system used to develop full body conditioning and fitness.
The movement and mechanics of these techniques are very simple to perform. The workouts are only 30 min. long but you leave feeling like you just had the best workout of your life.
Kettlebells are for both men and women.
The instructor for the kettlebell classes is Darryl Hinthorne who is a certified kettlebell teacher under Steve Cotter IKFF (International Kettlebell Fitness Federation) Who is renowned world wide for kettlebell instructional training. The first class is free to anyone wanting to try it out and see for themselves what a great way to get back in shape.